How to Set a Reasonable, Realistic, Reachable Goal

People created from white clay stand around a white puzzle that's missing a piece in the center. Each person holds a different colored puzzle piece.

Dearest hearts a goal, something you desire to achieve, is a wonderful tool to help you move in a specific direction. However, a goal that isn’t reachable becomes yet another reason to feel like a failure. Therefore, we advise that you choose a goal with intelligent mindfulness, rather than the whimsical thought of, “It sure would be nice.”

A goal that is for someone’s approval cannot withstand the natural weariness that sets in on the road to your desired end

In order to set a reachable goal you much first ask yourself the following questions. “Why have I chosen this goal? Why do I want this?” Next, “Who am I doing this for? Do I want this, or am I responding to outside pressure or stimulation?” Often when you fear missing out on what appears to be a great opportunity you forget to ask yourself if the goal is appropriate. A dream created for someone else’s approval cannot withstand the natural weariness that sets in on the road to your desired end. This brings us to the next question, “Do I have the time to commit to this dream, or am I asking more of myself than it’s possible to achieve from where I am, and with what I have to work with?” After all of the above questions have been answered ask yourself this final question, “Is it worth it?”

It’s not a realistic goal unless you desire it enough to devote yourself to putting in the necessary work to reach it. It’s not reachable unless you have the ability to put the effort in

Every goal you set is going to require a commitment from you. You will have to spend the resources of your time, energy, and often your money to make this dream a reality. It’s not a realistic goal unless you desire it enough to devote yourself to putting in the necessary work to reach it. It’s not reachable unless you have the ability to put the effort in. Wanting to be a pro athlete when you have no athletic ability may seem like a desired goal but it’s unlikely to be reachable. It’s not realistic because you don’t have the basic requirements necessary for success and it’s not reasonable to spend all of your energy, time, and money training for something you have no realistic chance of obtaining.

Goals that are set for the sake of outward appearance or acceptance don’t honor your why

Set your goals with passion and purpose. No achievement is going to happen overnight. Every goal you set will require growth. Growth is gained from repeated exposure to a subject or situation. Before you set your sights on a particular goal, make sure you’re in alignment with the outcome. Changing who you are to meet an ongoing trend or fad may bring you temporary popularity but it will not bring long-lasting satisfaction or growth. Even if you’re successful at meeting your goal, you won’t feel accomplished. Goals that are set for the sake of outward appearance or acceptance don’t honor your why. Why do you want to do this? If it’s to please someone else, it’s not a reasonable goal.

Every time you set a new goal, you’re committing to expanding your current skills by drawing upon your interest and passions so be sure to use what you already possess and build upon it

What about you? Goals that will bring growth and empowerment meet your intrinsic needs. They speak to who you are. Your interests, your skills, and your current abilities. Every time you set a new goal, you’re committing to expanding your current skills by drawing upon your interest and passions, so, be sure to use what you already possess and build upon it. It’s not reasonable to force yourself to excel in every area. It’s also not realistic to think you can become a master of all things. Instead of trying to do it all and ending up feeling frustrated by your failure, be practical and choose goals that are a natural outgrowth of all that you already are. Don’t try to prove yourself in every area, select only those areas that speak to your being.

No goal worth committing to is going to come overnight. Be prepared to learn, grow, practice, repeat, and stretch yourself

When you understand why you’ve chosen your goal and you have the passion and skills necessary to help you reach your goal, you’ll be able to keep going during the learning and reinforcing stages when you may feel like quitting. No goal worth committing to is going to come overnight. Be prepared to learn, grow, practice, repeat, and stretch yourself. Nothing feels better than meeting a meaningful goal. Set yourself up for success by honoring yourself and all that you already are.

Before you set a goal, take into consideration the resources you have available and the reason for using them to reach your goal

Goals are a wonderful way to move forward but they must be reasonable, you must have the capability to reach them. They have to be realistic, able to be accomplished in the time allotted and they must be reachable. Before you set a goal, take into consideration the resources you have available and the reason for using them to reach your goal.

Dr. Marcia Martin

Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.


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