Can Love Triumph Over Hate?

Beloved ones, in a world where hate is a loud, painful punch to the face and love is a soft caress, you may have the misunderstanding that love is weak. Noise, intense emotion, and righteous indignation do not make someone or something strong. They do invite notice but they also hide insecurity and an inability to be present in a powerful and substantive way. The still, small voice of Spirit, may appear to be weak but this is the power that has created worlds. Therefore, you must adjust your understanding so it aligns with the truth of what is instead of being a prisoner to the illusion of what appears to be.

Connected to the heart of the Divine, you have access to the fullness of love. Cut off you will engage with panic, desperation, and fear

Before it’s possible to understand the strength represented by love, you must first separate love from its look-alikes. The love that creates worlds is unconditional in its ability to love and accept you just as you are. This love has no ego attachment, and cannot be hurt, broken, or abandoned. It’s an undying, never-ending stream that flows out from the heart of the Creator into everything. This stream is ever-flowing and cannot cease, however, you may choose to distance yourself from it. As free-will beings, you may choose to step away from the unconditional love of the Divine and embrace the ego, the clamoring of society, and the belief you are unsafe. If you do so you may believe you’re taking protective, honorable action for yourself and your family but in truth, you’ve cast yourself out into a desert wasteland. Inhabited by negativity and ruled by fear, hate is rampant here and love seems distant and delusional. You’re invited to leave this place and step back into the heart where the stream of love is at its most robust. Connected to the heart of the Divine, you have access to the fullness of love. Cut off you will engage with panic, desperation, and fear.

You are not blamed for your addiction to hate born from fear but your awareness of this disease makes you responsible for stopping its spread

You are not to be blamed for choosing to abandon love and chase after fear. You can only choose that which you are aware of. Those of you who were raised on a diet of fear and despair are acting out what you believe to be true. It’s what your parents believed would keep you safe, what their parents believed, and so on down the line until the understanding between truth and fiction has grown dim. You are not blamed for your addiction to hate born from fear but your awareness of this disease makes you responsible for stopping its spread. Hate begets hate. Hatred born from ignorance creates a deep valley of fear from which there is no escape. The only way out is in. Take a moment, take a breath, and allow yourself to go within.

When you look with eyes of love you will see that everyone has the same goal. Regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or race, all are seeking a life filled with love, joy, and peace. The fact that some seek this through violence points to the oxymoron that is hate fueled by fear instead of facts

Go within to the energetic heart center, allow the fear that misdirected you to be placed aside, and open your heart to Divine truth. Look with the eyes of the Divine upon all that you fear and ask yourself, why. “Why do I hate those and that which are different? Why do I fear my neighbor, my community, and the world? What evidence do I have that I will be hurt?” When you look with eyes of love you will see that everyone has the same goal. Regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or race, all are seeking a life filled with love, joy, and peace. The fact that some seek this through violence points to the oxymoron that is hate fueled by fear instead of facts.

Look with love upon yourself and you’ll see, that you’re more than enough, you’re worthy of receiving, and it’s safe for you to be all that you are

Continue to stay in the heart space and explore even further by asking yourself, “What would I like? What would feel good to me and how can I live my best life?” When you give yourself permission to think about what feels good, you’ll discover that hatred, bullying, and oppression of others don’t feel loving. No, that behavior is a fear-based response trying to cover up your feelings of inadequacy. Look with love upon yourself and you’ll see, that you’re more than enough, you’re worthy of receiving, and it’s safe for you to be all that you are. You don’t have to pretend to be tough or inflexible. That state of being doesn’t make you strong it makes you brittle and breakable. When you walk in love for yourself and all others you’ll flow from joy to joy, looking for and finding what feels good. You’ll stop forcing and begin allowing, but most importantly you’ll stop being afraid and start feeling secure.

Heaven is created in partnership with the Divine and the absolute certainty that you were, are, and always will be more than enough

Can love triumph over hate? You are the creator of your world. You can create heaven or hell. Hell is lived in a state of terror and hatred created from the fear-filled belief system that says, “You will never be enough!” Heaven is created in partnership with the Divine and the absolute certainty that you were, are, and always will be more than enough. Allow love to create heaven in your heart and you will become invincible.

Dr. Marcia Martin

Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.


How and When to Begin Again


Unveiling the Power of Joy: The Path of Least Resistance to the Divine