How to Overcome the Feeling of Being Overwhelmed

The sun is setting over the ocean as breakers rush to the shore. The sky is orange and pink on the bottom and there are clouds of blueish, gray near the top of the picture

Dear ones the state of overwhelm is not a necessary or unavoidable part of modern society. Being overwhelmed doesn’t come from living in a technically advanced world, no, it’s a direct result of being out of alignment with the truth. Feeling overwhelmed means that you have forgotten who you are and have chosen to realign with a lie. Before you can feel overwhelmed you must first believe that you are lesser or smaller than the circumstances. Furthermore, you must believe that you’re powerless against such great odds and that you cannot expect to overcome the adversarial situation.

Creation doesn’t just come from desire, it comes from every emotion and thought which is repeated and valued

It’s time for you to align with the truth and shed those feelings of being overwhelmed. As a physical being, you are a powerful creator. You create based on what you’re thinking and how emotionally attached to those thoughts you have become. This means that you will create a fear-based experience as easily as you will a loved and desired experience. Creation doesn’t just come from desire, it comes from every emotion and thought which is repeated and valued. It comes from your belief system but it doesn’t have to spring from truth.

Beliefs can reflect your culture, family, society, or your experiences but beliefs do not have to be grounded in truth

Beliefs are created when you attach to a specific idea or way of being and decide this is what’s true for you. Beliefs can reflect your culture, family, society, or your experiences but beliefs do not have to be grounded in truth. You may choose to believe that the earth is flat but your belief cannot change the shape of the planet. It can alter your reality and cause you to find supporting but incorrect evidence for your belief but the planet’s shape will remain the same. When your reality is based on a false belief system, your world has been constructed on a shaky foundation and you can be easily overwhelmed by life.

A belief system that insists that you are weak, subject to hardship, shame, and humiliation and that you should honor that way of being is a lie

If you want to live an empowered life instead of one in which you feel overwhelmed, you must trade in your rickety foundation for one of strength and truth. This means you must re-examine your belief system and re-align with Divine truth. A belief system that insists that you are weak, subject to hardship, shame, and humiliation and that you should honor that way of being is a lie. Anything or anyone that tries to make you less so they can become more is a fabrication of the ego and must be set aside. Truth says all are equal, but unique in their individual strengths and weaknesses. Truth says there is greatness within you and your work is to expand upon that greatness. Truth says all are loved and accepted without condition so there’s no need to fear rejection. Truth says you are an eternal being who will remain forever whole in your energetic state no matter what circumstances you may encounter in this present lifetime.

There’ll be no reason to cower in fear when you’re aligned with the truth

When you have laid a foundation of truth beneath your feet and you’re standing tall upon it, the winds of change will blow and you will sway with them. The sands of time will pass and you will move with them and the challenges of life will come and you will rise to meet them. There’ll be no reason to cower in fear when you’re aligned with the truth. There’ll be no reason to play small or try to hide away. Instead, you’ll stand proudly among your fellow beings and masterfully contribute all that you have brought to share.

As an aligned, empowered being you’ve chosen to stand tall, be noticed, and get things done

Over the course of your lifetime, you may be tempted to flirt with the idea of being overwhelmed but when you’re aligned with the truth you’ll find a way to right your sails and catch the breeze. Sitting idly by while fear takes hold of your life will be a distant memory that’s no longer welcome or necessary. As an aligned, empowered being you’ve chosen to stand tall, be noticed, and get things done. You’ve chosen to live a life of power and purpose.

Dr. Marcia Martin

Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment counselor, minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator specializing in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, the Angel Heart Healing Technique, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.


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